Celebrating Philanthropy in Arlington
By Office of Communication
Posted on February 15, 2013, February 15, 2013

When it comes to philanthropy, most cities have their shining stars. Arlington has one, too.

In fact this generous contributor infuses more than a million dollars a year into our community, and will do so for decades to come. As the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation celebrates its fifth anniversary, the impact of these funds throughout the city is far-reaching. The fund was established in 2007 by the Arlington City Council from earnings on investments, for the purpose of supporting a better quality of life for Arlington residents. Since that time, the Foundation has contributed more than $7 million toward helping Arlington thrive.

The Foundation's grants fall into three broad categories: People and Neighborhoods; Nature and Animals; and Lifestyle, Leisure and Culture. Many of Arlington's most popular attractions, programs and services have been funded by the Foundation - from the Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts and Light Up Arlington Fourth of July celebration, to literacy programs and Meals on Wheels. They are gifts to the community which Celebrating keep on giving.

Executive Director Carolyn Mentesana, who oversees the Foundation's $85 million strategic portfolio, says the city's creation and support of the fund speaks to a vision with a firm commitment to the future.

"We believe there is more to our city than what exists today,' says Mentesana. "We believe in the promise of a better tomorrow.'

Find out more about the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation and its giving history in the 2012 Annual Report and visit the website at www.arlingtonfoundation.org.


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