Steering Committee Formation & Duties

Arlington’s Comprehensive Plan update is being developed with regular input and participation from local residents, business owners, property owners, institutional representatives, other key partners, and stakeholders. The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee is a key component of that community input and participation.

The Comprehensive Plan steering committee will be established with both local citizens and local business owners. This approximately 20-person committee will represent the broad interests of Arlington and will guide the Comprehensive Plan update. These members will be appointed by City Council.

Members of the steering committee will have an important role in shaping the planning process by providing unique perspectives, expertise, and ensuring that participation in the planning process is inclusive of the community. These committee members will provide input and feedback on each element of the planning process, including preliminary plan vision and goals, guiding principles, base concept development and strategies, element policies and priority actions, implementation strategies and recommendations.

PURPOSE: The role of the steering committee is to build consensus and  support regarding the various topics, approaches, and policies outlined in the comprehensive plan project. The steering committee will work with the consultant, city staff, and other local leaders while engaging the public for input throughout the duration of the project. The steering committee will provide recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on the drafting and adopting the update to the Comprehensive Plan.

TIMELINE: Time commitment is expected to last approximately 10-12 months.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The steering committee members will be responsible for:

  • Provide guidance through the entirety of the process
  • To advise the consultant in reviewing data in addition to developing and reviewing goals, policies, and draft documents
  • Provide comment and input during all project phases and civic
    engagement meetings and components
  • Identify issues and concerns during the project development
    process, and for the project as a whole
  • Encourage community consensus and encourage stakeholder participation during civic engagement events
  • Promote awareness, participation, and support the mission of the project
  • Represent broad community interests
  • Act in an advisory capacity to the Planning Commission and City Council

ACTIVITIES: The public participation plan outlines the purpose, and various activities that comprise the civic engagement portion of this project. The following is a general list of meetings, forums, and activities the steering committee is expected to attend through the entirety of this project.

STEERING COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Attend a minimum of six (6) meetings throughout the entirety of the project (which are not expected to exceed two (2) hours per meeting), which will occur every one (1) month. Committee members may be asked to review content and materials before the meeting. Committee members may also be asked to report information to the group, and conduct research outside of the meeting.

SCHEDULE: A final meeting schedule will be provided when the steering committee has been formed.

FOCUS GROUPS: Specialized meetings will be established throughout the development process to discuss land use concerns, specific plan elements, and to meet with specific stakeholder groups.

Applications are due by August 14, 2024.