Arlington is a vibrant city that enjoys a high quality of life through great parks and exceptional recreational opportunities. These services provide a foundation for the physical, social, economic and environmental viability and well-being of the community.
The mission of the Arlington Parks and Recreation Department is to provide quality facilities and services that are responsive to a diverse community and sustained with a focus on partnerships, innovation and environmental leadership.
Master Plan
The Arlington Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan (PROS Plan) is a key component of the City’s vision for the Arlington community. The PROS Plan recommends a vision and an action plan that directly supports Arlington’s Comprehensive Plan, 99 SQ Miles: A Vision for Arlington’s Future. The parks department's most recent PROS plan was approved by city council in April 2021.
Ancillary Plans
Skatepark Master Plan (part 1)
Skatepark Master Plan (part 2)
Skatepark Master Plan (part 3)
Skatepark Master Plan (part 4)