Rain Lilly

Location: Rain Garden


  • Common Name: Rain Lily, Fairy Lily
  • Botanical Name: Zephyranthes atamasca
  • AKA: Atamasco Lily

Description: Atamasco-lilies are small, colony-forming perennials, 8-15 in. tall, with thick, shiny, grooved, grass-like leaves forming loose clumps. Solitary flowers are borne on leafless stalks. The showy flowers are white (rarely pink), with six distinct lobes, united to form a funnel. They turn pink with age. From an underground bulb grow several flat leaves; leafless flowerstalk, usually single and about as tall as the leaves, bears white lily-like flower, tinged with pink.

Best Growing Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Shade; Low to Medium Water Demand; Moist to Wet Soil; Heat Tolerant; Prefers acidic soils; Not hardy where ground freezes deeply

Landscape Use: Container, Rock Garden, Moon Garden/Night Accent, Border - Edge, Deer Resistant