Shrubby Skullcap

Location: Rock Garden/Xeriscape Design


  • Common Name: Shrubby Skullcap
  • Botanical Name: Scutellaria wrightii
  • AKA: Wright's Skullcap, Bushy Skullcap, Resin-dot Skullcap, Resinous Skullcap, Sticky Skullcap

Description: Sticky skullcap or resinous skullcap is a compact, 10 in. by 10 in., perennial with woody stems that die back to the ground every winter. The numerous stems and the oval leaves are covered with minute hairs. Deep-violet-blue, tubular, two-lipped flowers continue to appear as stems elongate over the growing season.

Best Growing Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Shade; Low Water Demand; Dry Soil; Sandy loam

Landscape Use: Rock Garden

 Wildlife Value: Butterflies, Birds