Anti-Bullying From a Pit Bull’s Perspective
By Office of Communication
Posted on January 18, 2013, January 18, 2013

Respect A Bull, Inc.and Arlington Animal Services are the first to approach bullying in this unique and altruistic way

The story of Turtle is both heartbreaking and miraculous. It begins with a two-year-old, severely mistreated and terribly abused Pit Bull dog. Weighing only 11 pounds, she was struggling to survive when she was rescued four years ago. That was when Turtle met Kristie Miller, the president and founder of Respect A Bull, Inc. Fast forward to the present. Now, Turtle is a thriving 45-pound dog and fully recovered.

Since October 30, 2012, more than a thousand AISD students have been educated in the harmful effects of bullying. They learned what to do if they were being bullied. And, they received the strong, clear message: if you partake in bullying- stop.

The program is taught by Miller, Animal Services Manager Chris Huff and Sally Amendola, a former school principal and Animal Services volunteer. Amendola shares her personal stories of being a victim of bullying and ways to conquer it with a positive outcome.

Students are captivated by a video of Turtle. They watch as she transforms from an emaciated image of suffering and pity to the healthy, happy, well-adjusted Pit Bull she is today.

Turtle is giving back to the community by warming the hearts of youth, disabled, and elderly, by providing pet therapy and entertainment though her creative expressions with her paw art paintings. Turtle, thanks to Miller, has an exceptional and courageous success story, which is hopefully making a difference with bullies and victims of bullying.

And, Turtle, affectionately referred to as "Turtle, the Painting Pit Bull,' is happy to share her good fortune. She warms the hearts of youth, the disabled and the elderly by providing pet therapy and entertainment through her creative expressions with her paw art paintings.

Special thanks to Miller with Respect A Bull, Inc. for sharing Turtle's inspirational story; Amendola for her partnership and passion for helping youth; Huff for her unequalled enthusiasm and leadership as a presenter; and AISD for its partnership in the battle against bullying.

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Turtle's video on behalf of Respect A Bull, Inc.

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