City of Arlington Recognized for Natural Gas Use
By Office of Communication
Posted on November 13, 2013, November 13, 2013


Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter was in Arlington Wednesday morning to recognize the City of Arlington for its use of natural gas vehicles. Commissioner Porter presented a $20,805 ceremonial check during a brief ceremony at City Hall.

The City of Arlington continues to be a leader in alternative fuel use, with six vehicles currently operating on natural gas, and several others on the way. Three of the City's natural gas vehicles are Honda Civics designed to run on compressed natural gas (CNG). Thanks to the Railroad Commission grant, the City of Arlington was able to add these vehicles to its fleet. While each CNG vehicle cost an additional $6,935 to purchase, the City of Arlington anticipates savings of $1,000-$2,000 per year through the switch to natural gas.

Mayor Robert Cluck is appreciative of the honor, recognizing the savings and environmental benefits of natural gas vehicles. "We are using the energy we produce in our own region, and our residents have benefited with the new quieter and cleaner running engines," said Mayor Cluck.

In addition to operating its own fleet of CNG vehicles, the City of Arlington contracts with refuse hauler Republic Waste Services, which currently operates 39 natural gas trash trucks.

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