Most Frequently Used Numbers

Administration Office 817-459-5474
Aquatics 817-459-5483
Forestry 817-575-8311
Golf Administration Office 817-548-5043
Naturally Fun Magazine Advertising 817-575-8284
Parks Landscaping 817-459-5499
Parks Mowing 817-459-6211
Park and Pavilion Rentals 817-459-6698
Sponsorships 817-575-8284
Sports Rainout Line - Adult  817-462-3471
Sports Rainout Line - Youth 817-459-6697
Sports Registration 817-459-5463
Tennis Center 817-459-6163


James Orloski Director 817-459-5479
Michael Debrecht Assistant Director 817-459-5499
Venera Flores-Stafford Assistant Director
Ariel Briggs
Assistant Director 817-459-5496
Derek DeBusk Business Services Manager 817-459-5490
Eric Seebock Parks Planning Manager 817-459-5489
Phillip Rogers Marketing and Enterprise Development Manager 817-575-8284

Arlington Tennis Center

James Helvey Tennis Services Manager 817-459-6162
VACANT Assistant Tennis Professional 817-459-6173
Lance Drake Assistant Tennis Professional 817-459-6170
Sharon Smith Proshop Assistant 817-459-6172


Greg Guse
Athletic Programs Manager 817-459-5482
Jimmy Reilly Sports Manager - Youth 817-459-6435
Carson Dalheim
Recreation Facility Manager - Elzie Odom Athletic Center 817-459-6442
Chris Schwartz Sports Manager - Adult 817-459-6443
Nathaniel Jack Sports Coordinator 817-459-6930
Kiana Pickett Sports Coordinator 817-459-5468 
Kyle Young Program Coordinator - Elzie Odom Athletic Center 817-459-6436
Michael Schick Recreation Facility Manager - Beacon Recreation Center 817-459-8341
Nick Lewis Program Coordinator - Beacon Recreation Center 817-575-8344
Kelsey Daviglus Fitness & Wellness Coordinator - Beacon Recreation Center 817-575-8342


Courtni Anderson
Aquatics Manager 817-459-5481
Chris Hayden Aquatics Program Coordinator 817-459-5497
VACANT Aquatics Program Coordinator 817-575-8292
Cassidy Fullerton Aquatics Service Unit Assistant 817-459-5461

Business Services

Derek DeBusk Business Services Manager 817-459-5490
Tywanda Knight Resource Manager 817-459-5471
Montana Williams
Administrative Services Coordinator 817-459-5477
Mikayla Morales Parks Operations Analyst 817-459-5469
Tom Sarratt Fiscal Services Manager 817-459-5485
Jerry Shedwick Business Process Analyst 817-459-5418
Ashley Stapleton Administrative Coordinator 817-459-5578
Rita Moreno Service Representative 817-459-5472
Vanicia Edwards Service Representative 817-459-5476

Forestry & Beautification

Wendy Pappas Urban Forest and Land Manager 817-575-8311
Jeremy Ramsey Landscape Maintenance Supervisor 817-575-8308
VACANT Forester 817-575-8310

Golf Services

VACANT Golf Services Manager 817-548-5041
Sandra Grimm Golf Operations Administrator 817-548-5043
Adena Wallace Tournament/Event Coordinator 817-548-5042
Ryan Fussel Food & Beverage Manager 817-548-5047
James Martone Restaurant Manager, Ventana Grille 817-548-5050
Iskandar Prasetyo
Restaurant Manager, Home Plate 817-575-8299
Mark Claburn Superintendent of Golf Operations 817-548-5045
Justin Allen
Golf Course Superintendent -TRGC 817-275-4916
VACANT Golf Course Superintendent - LAGC 817-575-8305
Mike Berneberg Head Golf Professional - LAGC and MGC 817-451-6101
Chad Williams Head Golf Professional - TVGC 817-548-5050
Bill Ebdon Head Golf Professional -TRGC 817-575-8298


Phillip Rogers Marketing and Enterprise Development Manager 817-575-8284
Jonathan Ortiz Marketing and Enterprise Development Coordinator 817-459-6931
Dianely Luis
Electronic Media Specialist 817-575-8285

Park Operations

Devin Steward Park Operations Manager 817-459-5498
Armando Belmares Facilities Operations Manager 817-459-5417
Randy Villarreal Parks Services Supervisor 817-459-6211
Matt King Parks District Supervisor - South 817-459-6209
Jose Aguilar Parks District Supervisor - North 817-575-8309
Dan Withers Asset Manager 817-459-5486
Adrian Rodriguez Operations Systems Administrator 817-575-8306
Victor Gutzler Asset Systems Analyst 817-459-5492

Park Planning

Eric Seebock Park Planning Manager 817-459-5489
Kevin Rodriguez Park Project Manager II 817-459-6937
VACANT Park Project Manager 817-459-5478
Tom Osen Park Project Manager I 817-459-6196

Recreation Programs

Krissy Crosier Center Programs Manager 817-459-6499
Monique Jaquay Community Events Coordinator
Nichole Green Recreation Facility Manager - Cliff Nelson Recreation Center 817-459-6181
Jordan Taylor Recreation Facility Manager - Dottie Lynn Recreation Center 817-459-5494
Milaun Murry
Recreation Facility Manager - East Library & Recreation Center 817-575-8290
VACANT General Manager - Activ Adult Center
Susie Traylor Recreation Program Coordinator - Activ Adult Center 817-575-8295
Graham Ritchey Recreation Program Coordinator - Cliff Nelson Recreation Center 817-459-6182
Ivan Medina Recreation Program Coordinator - Dottie Lynn Recreation Center 817-459-5466
Milly Gomez Recreation Program Coordinator - East Library & Recreation Center 817-575-8291

Rental & Lake Services

VACANT Rental and Event Services Manager 817-575-8283
Laura Derks Rental and Lake Services Coordinator 817-459-6698
Nate Pipkin Rental and Lake Services Coordinator 817-459-6231
Josh Thompson Rental and Lake Services Coordinator 817-459-5416

To email an individual it is: [email protected]