What are Community Watch Groups?

Community Watch Groups were developed to encourage citizen involvement and deter crime by early detection. Citizens volunteer to become extra eyes for the police department, reporting crime and suspicious behavior.

Citizens learn to anticipate, recognize, and appraise the crime risks in their neighborhoods, and how to take action that removes or reduces those risks. A Community Watch Organization is a proven crime reduction program; but like any self-help activity, its success depends upon you and your neighbors.

Active Community Watch Groups meet on a routine basis with police personnel to discuss observations and events occurring in your community. Your patrol personnel are there to assist you in resolving police related issues in effort to provide you with the best possible quality of life within your neighborhood.

How Do I Start a Community Watch Group?

First, talk with your neighbors about the need for such a group, based on personal knowledge of crime or suspicious activity in your area.

Then, set a time and place for your neighbors to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest. (The meeting can be held somewhere outside of your neighborhood.)

  1. Submit an online application form (see link below) detailing the information about your Community Watch Group and plans for your first meeting.

  2. Next, invite Police Department employees to present information on crime detection and prevention.

  3. Choose coordinators and block captains, who are responsible for organizing meetings and passing information on to members.

  4. Recruit others. Attendance is critical for the group’s success. At least 50% attendance over a one-year period with a minimum of two meetings is needed to qualify for posting Community Watch Signs.

Are you ready to schedule your first Community Watch Meeting?

Contact Us

Contact your local Crime Prevention Officer for more information: