Here are answers to common questions about water and sanitary sewer construction:
How will I be notified about disruptions to water or sewer service?
We try to avoid service interruptions, but they are sometimes necessary to complete utilities work. For planned disruptions, residents will be notified by crews in the area. Letters or emails also will be sent for some larger projects.
Why is my water shut off without warning?
Unexpected service disruptions can be caused by main breaks, underground construction and other factors. We strive to restore service quickly.
For up-to-date news about major emergency repairs, outages, and street closings, follow Arlington Water on Twitter @ArlingtonWater or on Facebook.
How do I know how long a construction project will last?
Major projects going on throughout the city are listed on our water/sewer projects page. Project timelines can change due to weather or necessary design revisions, so the page is updated regularly.
Will I be able to drive down my street during construction?
The streets may be closed to through traffic during some parts of large construction projects, but residents will be provided access to their properties. Parking in your driveway may be restricted at times during the installation of pipes and subsequent street reclamation. This will be coordinated with residents by the contractor.
I've seen crews dig up the street several times. Why not just dig one trench and be done with it?
When projects include water, sanitary sewer and stormwater infrastructure improvements state and federal regulations require that each type of main is installed in separate trenches. A minimum separation distance also is required. Once all utilities are installed, the surface will be repaired.

Will you fix the grass?
Grass areas affected by construction will be restored by the contractor with sod or hydromulching to match existing condition and will require watering by the property owner after being established. A City construction inspector will videotape the project area to document existing conditions before the start of construction.
Do Arlington Water crews and contractors work on weekends?
Construction crews typically work Monday through Friday and occasionally on Saturdays. Arlington Water crews respond to water and sanitary sewer emergencies seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Who do I call if I suspect a main break or other water issue?
To report a main break, call our emergency line at 817-459-5900, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For water quality issues, call 817-575-8984 .