On April 10, 2024, the EPA announced new national guidelines for Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS chemicals, in tap water. Tests conducted over the past year by Arlington Water Utilities show that the City's water is in compliance with these new safety guidelines.
PFAS chemicals have been used since the 1940s in industry and consumer products like nonstick cookware and firefighting foam, according to the EPA. Because these substances break down slowly and can build up in the environment over time they have gained the nickname “forever chemicals.” PFAS compounds have been found in water, air, and soil. For more information about the new guidelines and Arlington's test results, please click here or on the PFAS Information tab on the left side of this page.

The City of Arlington's tap water meets and in many cases is much better than Texas and USEPA drinking water standards that are set after robust scientific research and standard setting procedures. The results of these tests are featured in our 2023 Consumer Confidence Report, available since June 1 at this web address: www.arlingtontx.gov/waterccr. The USEPA standards are set to provide a national standard that spans the enormity of the United States with vigorously scientifically researched standards to provide consistency and enforcement.

Past Water Quality Reports

City of Arlington tap water meets all regulatory requirements and does not require any further treatment from a health standpoint. Residents who want to change the water profile with regard to taste/odor or hardness qualities should do independent research and then select the system that would address their concerns. Our laboratory experts remind residents of the importance of maintaining any system to prevent problems. The department recommends evaluating independent research. Fact sheets on various home water filter systems are available at this link.

Questions? Contact Us

  • Check out our FAQs below first
  • Water Quality or the Treatment process questions, please call 817-575-8984 or fax 817-496-4133
  • Send us a direct message to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/arlingtonwater.
  • The Arlington Water Utilities laboratory also performs testing for cities, residents, and businesses. Call 817-575-8966 to learn more about testing fees.