Zizotes Milkweed

Location: Wildlife Garden


  • Common Name: Zizotes Milkweed
  • Botanical Name: Asclepias oenotheroides
  • AKA: Zizotes Milkweed, Hierba De Zizotes, Side-cluster Milkweed, Longhorn Milkweed, Primrose Milkweed, Lindheimer's Milkweed

Description: The flower of this species is unique among milkweeds. The long, slender hoods extend beyond the stigmatic groove and flare or bow outward at the top. This species survives periodic droughts and occasional mowing even though it has shallow roots. It leafs out and flowers if rains follow a dry period. Plants tend to be scattered and populations appear to have a low density. One of the least conspicuous milkweeds (Webref 20).

Best Growing Conditions: Full Sun; Low, Medium Water Demand

Landscape Use:This member of the Milkweed family loves full sun and tolerates sandy, dry soils. Great for butterfly gardens. Purple tinge comes to upper leaves in full sun.