Prestonwood Lake Dam is part of a private lake system and is located north of Lamar Boulevard and south of Northwest Green Oaks Boulevard in north Arlington.
City of Arlington staff were notified of erosion around the dam and visited the site to assess the dam's condition . I t appears failure of the spillway may be imminent. While no flooding of residential structures is anticipated, Arlington Mayor Jeff Williams has declared an emergency and issued a proclamation Wednesday so that City staff may act to protect the safety of citizens and reduce damage to property and public infrastructure.
The City of Arlington is monitoring the situation and will work to mitigate issues as they arise. Should the Prestonwood Lake Dam fail, the downstream culverts at Northwest Green Oaks Boulevard are likely to become clogged with sediment and debris. Although unlikely, that could cause roadway flooding. City staff is prepared to remove the debris and sediment and block the roadway should it be necessary.
Fire, News, Public Works, Water Utilities