Want to find out more about street construction in the City of Arlington?
The City has a new webpage that provides transparency and up-to-date information on both current and proposed street maintenance and construction projects throughout Arlington.
Residents can visit Arlington's Street Tracker webpage at www.arlingtontx.gov/streettracker.
The webpage features an interactive map, project list, videos, a news feed featuring the latest information on street construction and contact information for residents to report street problems, such as potholes, that they find in Arlington.
To report a problem on Arlington's streets, residents can always call the Action Center at 817-459-6777.
Here are some key facts for residents to know about both past/current street construction and what they can expect to see in the future:
- The City has invested $243 million on capital street and street maintenance programs from 2009-2015 and $83 million has been designated for reconstruction of existing residential and arterial streets.
- From 2016 to 2020, the City will invest $261 million in street maintenance programs.
- 9,975 potholes have been repaired by the City's Public Works and Transportation Department since October 2014.
This is part of City Council's priority of "Enhancing Regional Mobility." The city is focused on improving our streets and transportation connections within and beyond our borders.
Headlines, News, Public Works, Transportation