Arlington feral cats are making their way - one by one, and some in pairs - to participate in grant funded TNR clinics made possible by Best Friends Animal Society, Arlington Animal Services center, and shelter volunteers. A total of 31 free-roaming community cats were treated at the first clinic held on the 3rd of June, and 25 more received free veterinary services on June 24, 2018.
Arlington resident Dina Walls has dealt with cats wandering her neighborhood ever since she had a neighbor move away, leaving their cats behind almost 15 years ago. "I 've spent thousands of dollars over the years getting grown litter after litter of stray cats spayed and neutered, " said Walls, who was pleased about the free clinic.
"Feral cats can be very smart and difficult to trap, " Walls stated, as she described her experience trying to catch the cat she brought in to the second clinic. Community Cat Program Manager for Best Friends, Desiree Triste-Aragon offers this link to humane trapping information by Best Friends which may be helpful for anyone having trouble trapping for a clinic event.
Sarah Davis is another Arlington resident working to bring all the feral cats she can to the free clinics. "Over the last month, four female feral cats had a total of 28 kittens, " exclaimed Davis. "I have three more to go, " she said, referring to the remaining adult stray cats in her neighborhood on Melissa Street in East Arlington.
The TNR clinics provide Arlington feral cats sterilization, vaccination and an ear-tip in a community effort to increase the number of Arlington free-roaming community cats humanely trapped and given life-saving veterinary services. These treated feral cats are released back into their neighborhoods to live out the remainder of their lives without reproducing offspring that may struggle to survive.
Help us reduce the number of stray cats in Arlington neighborhoods by participating in the TNR program. Special appreciation to Best Friends for helping Animal Services work towards the goal of fewer feral cats living perilous lives, and cleaner, healthier neighborhoods in The American Dream City.
For more information, contact Arlington Animal Services at 817-459-5898, or call the City 's Action Center at 817-459-6777.
Animal Services, News