A new program aimed at keeping Arlington beautiful has kicked off. Funding allocated in the 2016 fiscal year budget is going to improve the aesthetics of major highways across the city by adding two additional mowing and litter cycles.
The cycles are being added to TxDOT's current three cycles on Interstate-20, Interstate-30 and highway 360. These additional maintenance cycles will combat the grass heights and litter along the highways.
City Council approved funding for this program in September, along with select railway interchange mowing cycles as part of the annual budget process. The program also supports a beautification plan developed by the Parks and Recreation Department.
'We have been planting trees, enhancing landscape beds and improving roads across the city,' Gary Packan, assistant director of parks and recreation, said.'Now the city is working on reducing litter and improving the aesthetics of our highways.'
Last spring, the City of Arlington, in partnership with the Keep Arlington Beautiful Board, kicked off an Adopt-A-Spot program in North Arlington. The Adopt-A-Spot program is focused on generating community volunteerism to assist in litter collection along major roadways. The program is planned to expand in 2017.
For more information about the City of Arlington beautification projects, go to NaturallyFun.org.
Keep Arlington Beautiful, TxDOT
News, Parks & Recreation