The City of Arlington uses Texas Municipal Courts Week as an opportunity to help spread traffic safety education to those entering the City Tower as an employee or visitor.
To try and instill safe habits at a young age, children receive coloring books, story books, crayons and stickers about seatbelts, bicycle helmets, and the proper way to cross the street as a pedestrian. Impaired, reckless, aggressive, and distracted driving materials are given to all adults and teens who are new drivers.
The messages distributed to teens and young adults also include the laws governing the use of alcohol by persons under age 21, parental liability for making alcohol available to underage persons, and the dangers of driving while impaired. Older drivers have available information on equipment designed for aging drivers to help increase sight within the vehicle and devices to help with limited mobility and strength.
This year, potential jurors were given an Arlington Municipal Court cup, pen, and other items bearing a traffic safety message to take with them as they concluded their service in the Court.
The City also celebrated the hard work of the Court during this week. Employees received items daily that included a "thank you " message. This year, employees in the Court, prosecutor 's office, the warrants division of the Police Department, and support personnel who assist the Court from the IT Department all received a patriotic calendar for 2018, an LED flashlight, snacks and drinks, a free-jeans day coupon, and various office items such as pens, pencils, notepads and coasters.
Government, Municipal Court, News