Hollie Walters signed up to take part in the spring 2016 Citizen Police Academy class. Upon completing this community program she decided to take an active volunteer role within the police department to give back to her city and community.
Since June of this year, Hollie Walters has volunteered more than 270 hours for the police department. She volunteered in many different roles within the department: office assistance, the Arlington Highlands's security camera project, the South district Trunk or Treat event, assisting with recruit scenario training and National Night Out. Hollie also took on a leadership role with the fall Citizen Police Academy class.
Hollie has taken an active role in the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association. Her assistance in the groups fundraising efforts includes the annual Golf Tournament at Tierra Verde, alumni auctions, and Fry's Electronics hot dog fundraiser. Her efforts assisted in bringing new levels of success for the alumni in 2016. Her efforts assisted with a record amount being donated back to the police department. Hollie has also accepted a board position with the alumni association for the upcoming 2017 year.
Based on Hollie Walters's hard work, dedication, and service to the City of Arlington she has proven herself to be a valuable member and leader within the police department volunteer program. Hollie Walters is truly deserving of the recognition and honor of being recognized as the City of Arlington volunteer of the month for December 2016!
Volunteer, Volunteer of the Month
Government, News, Police