Arlington Housing Inspector Saves a Woman and Her Kids
By Jon Henrik Farstad
Posted on June 01, 2015, June 01, 2015

Jeanette Culwell

Chana Claude and her children recently experienced every home owner's worst fear-a house fire.

Thanks to the preventative actions taken only days before, however, everyone made it out of the fire alive and well.

Housing Code Compliance Inspector Jeanette Culwell noticed the rental home was not up to fire code during a routine inspection and insisted that changes be made.

The children's room had no windows and no smoke detector near it so Inspector Culwell had Ms. Claude move the kids to another room and install smoke detectors. This very same room happened to be the first to burn in the fire, no doubt making Ms. Claude think twice about the possibility of events unfolding very differently.

Ms. Claude feels that without Inspector Culwell and her actions, Ms. Claude and her family might not be here today.

"Because you did your job you saved us," Claude said to Culwell directly. "Thank you for doing a job well done you maybe over looked but not by me, God sent you."
