When school ends for summer vacation, many families whose children rely on the free lunch program during the year may find themselves in a tight spot when it comes to providing meals throughout the day. Beginning Monday, June 6, three branches of the Arlington Public Library will serve as Food on the Move sites that will provide free lunch to children ages 1-18.
In partnership with CitySquare Dallas, the East Arlington, Northeast, and Southeast branches will all be sites for summer meals Monday through Friday, from 12 to 1 p.m., June 6 through August 5. No paperwork or registration is needed for children to receive meals.
"When CitySquare approached us about acting as meal sites, we jumped at the opportunity," Library Services Manager Ivonne Kieffer said. "We see so many children throughout June and July for our Summer Reading Club, and you never know what they might be lacking during the time school is out. Acting as a host site for Food on the Move to provide lunches is just one more way we can support the community we serve every day."
With the annual Summer Reading Club beginning June 4, Kieffer said she is thrilled that the library will be able to offer opportunities to help children keep their minds and bodies strong and healthy throughout the summer.
Food on the Move is a federally-funded nutrition program designed to meet the needs of children outside of school hours. CitySquare is one of the largest nonprofit at-risk food sponsors in Texas, providing nutritionally complete meals for children who might otherwise go hungry.
There is no registration or paperwork necessary for children to receive lunch from Food on the Move at the library locations, though all food must be consumed on the site.
To review the list of dates and locations, visit the library's online calendar. Visit CitySquare to learn more about Food on the Move and other services offered.
Summer Meal Sites at Arlington Public Library:
East Arlington Branch
1624 New York Ave.
Northeast Branch
1905 Brown Blvd.
Southeast Branch
900 S. E. Green Oaks
Library, News