For the first time in several years. the City of Arlington has an updated vision for the future.
The Arlington City Council approved the updated version of the city 's comprehensive plan, "99 Square Miles,"at its regular meeting March 17. Council approved the plan by a 7-0 vote.
99 Square Miles isnow the official document guiding future planning and development inThe American Dream City. The plan focuses on developing attractive and prosperous neighborhoods, being good stewards of our environmental resources, promoting business recruitment and expansion, and enhancing land use and transportation coordination.
Arlington city staff spent years compiling input and piecing together chapters of what would become the city 's updated comprehensive plan.
Itfeatures five main elements and seven catalyst projects designed to achieve the city 's established vision. More than 150 specific action items further detail how Arlington can continue to be a beautiful, clean, safe and fun place.
"This plan is really the culmination of efforts from a diverse representation of the community -residents, community organizations, as well as businesses and is designed to be a living, breathing plan that will guide the City 's future,"Interim Director of Community Development & Planning Bridgett White. "It is the key policy document that other city plans developed align with as they serve as implementation tools of this plan. "
White went on to say the city 's Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee fulfilled the city leaders ' hopes for local engagement as they provided great community-based participation and feedback and helped identify vital issues for inclusion in the plan. "The committee 's discussions revolved around some common themes: building on the city 's assets, diversity, choice, connectivity and engagement,"White explained.
The goals, strategies and action items of the plan are its measurable parts, which will be reviewed every five years and adjusted as the city continues to change.
With adoption of the plan, communication will be important. Keeping residents, businesses, and visitors aware of the city 's vision and how we get will be an ongoing initiative as the city strives to continue to be a pre-eminent city.
Click here to read the Executive Summary of the Comprehensive Plan.
Click here to read the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
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