Media Get Firsthand Look at APD Aviation Unit
By Office of Communication
Posted on March 28, 2013, March 28, 2013

News media watched quietly through their lenses as Arlington Police Department launched a remote-controlled small helicopter at Lake Arlington Thursday afternoon. The process began with officers adhering to a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulated checklist that must be completed before launching the small helicopter. The Arlington Police Department recently received approval from the FAA to fly its two small battery-operated, remote-controlled helicopters after two years of planning and training.

This additional tool is one of many public safety options available to police officers in the ongoing effort to keep Arlington residents and visitors safe. In an effort to help foster a better understanding of the Aviation Unit, the APD also created a webpage to educate the public on when and how it will be operated and to clarify the aircraft's capabilities.

Click here to visit the new APD webpage to learn more about the Aviation Unit and watch videos to see it in action.

Headlines, Highlights, News, Police