Mayor Cluck Makes Special Deliveries to Seniors in Need
By Office of Communication
Posted on March 22, 2013, March 22, 2013

Mayor Robert Cluck quite literally "delivered the goods' to two homes Thursday as part of an effort to raise awareness for Meals on Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County. Mayor Cluck took some time to join several area mayors and a group of volunteers as they delivered meals to seniors unable to cook for themselves.

During his first stop of the morning, Mayor Cluck visited Judy Webster, a 65-year-old stroke victim who counted on her daily meals to keep her going. Judy was surprised to see Mayor Cluck standing at her front door, but she graciously invited him into her house.

"I don't know what I would do without them,' Judy said about Meals on Wheels. "I would be eating sandwiches every day because that's all I can fix since I had a stroke. They are lifesavers.'

Each week Tarrant County's Meals on Wheels program delivers more than 4000 hot meals to disabled, malnourished and home-bound seniors.

"I enjoy meeting these people,' said Mayor Cluck. "Like I told Ms. Webster, this is God's work right here. If it weren't for Meals on Wheels, these people wouldn't have a chance to eat.'

The next stop took the Mayor to the home of Mary Torres, 88, and her husband Guadalupe, who is 95 years old. The home-bound couple relies on Meals on Wheels to provide a nutritious meal.

"I can't leave the house because I don't have a car,' Mary shared with Mayor Cluck. "We are thankful for Meals on Wheels and what they bring us every day.'

Thursday's meal included beef stroganoff, bean medley, brussel sprouts, bread, even some Girl Scout cookies for dessert.

So, how can you help the Meal on Wheels program? You can sponsor one or more home-bound people in Tarrant County. The cost of sponsoring one Meals on Wheels recipient is $27.50 for one week, $110 for one month or $1,430 for one year. Learn more about sponsoring on the nonprofit's website or visit


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