How to Build a Thriving Community
By Office of Communication
Posted on February 25, 2013, February 25, 2013

Business leaders, city officials and stakeholders are in a quest to make Arlington a great place to live, work, learn and play. In a show of support, the Arlington City Council adopted "Building a Thriving Community' as a priority in its 2013 business plan.

With a renewed focus on enhancing the quality of our neighborhoods and strengthening community partnerships, Arlington will continue to create an atmosphere to improve amenities and attract an array of vibrant entertainment, cultural and learning opportunities.

Public and private sector leaders throughout the city have a big role in this endeavor. Teamwork is essential in assembling and enhancing our community resources, talents and creativity to create new businesses, design and maintain public corridors, open community gateways and provide public gathering spaces that add to the quality of life in Arlington.

In a thriving community, citizens are invested in their hometown's well-being and hold the key ingredient that helps it shine– pride.

Read about the progress in the "Building a Thriving Community' quarterly newsletter.

Build a Thriving Community, City Council Priorities
Business, Community, Entertainment, Government, Headlines, News