In the year that has passed since the Rangers broke ground on Globe Life Field, the site has been transformed from parking lot to home for the team and fans alike.
Globe Life Field will provide a unique sporting venue experience, offering many special opportunities that will be new to Texas Rangers fans. To provide an unparalleled intimate experience for fans in every section, the capacity of Globe Life Field is 21 percent less than that of Globe Life Park.
"I think that the fans will probably appreciate the intimacy that we will have with the new Globe Life Field," Rangers Senior Vice President of Project Development Jack Hill said. "When you start comparing the sightlines between Globe Life Field and Globe Life Park, there are clearly some intimate sightlines."
The first row of seats on the lower level is approximately seven feet closer than the same seating accommodation at Globe Life Park. The intimacy isn't limited to the lower bowl, which sits at 43 feet from backstop to home plate, compared to 50 feet at Globe Life Park.
The proximity to the field continues throughout the bowl. The first row of seating behind home plate on the upper concourse is estimated at 30 feet closer to the field than its predecessor.
"At the end of the day that's what we want; we want a premium experience for all the fans, not just the ones in the premium seats," Rangers Executive Vice President of Business Operations Rob Matwick said.
Not only is the seating bowl in a more desirable position to field level, but 70 percent of the seats are located in between the foul poles. Matwick also makes the case that there are seven different "first rows," allowing for several fans to have an unobstructed, front-row view.
"I think the way we've developed (Globe Life Field), there are lot of unique experiences for the fans, and proximity and amenities on all the levels I think fans will be pleased with," Matwick said. "Everybody loves to have those unobstructed views so we can give you that seven times over and that's really cool."
Bringing the Outdoors Indoors
The retractable roof will be the most noticeable difference at Globe Life Field, providing shade and cooler temperature. When the Globe Life Field roof is closed, the average temperature of the indoor facility will be in the mid-70s, 30 degrees cooler than the hottest peak at Globe Life Park this season.
"As we sit out here in the 100-plus degree weather, you just can't help but think in a little less than two years we'll be sitting in an air-conditioned ballpark, which will be great," Hill said.
The climate-controlled environment will not take away from the traditional baseball familiarity that Globe Life Park provides, as Globe Life Field was designed to provide an outdoor experience, whether the roof is open or closed.
"Openness was certainly the intent. That has been the big design driver from the beginning," Matwick said.
The design team visited several different venues with roof structures, to piece together the best plans in order to provide a bright and open concept.
"Even if the roof may be closed, it's going to feel like an outdoor facility. That was one of the things we strove for as engineers and architects, was to achieve a feeling of openness even though you're inside," Hill said.
The roof structure will be composed of ETFE, a transparent material allowing fans to enjoy an outdoor environment when the roof is closed.
"We have been to a lot of other facilities with roof structures and they tend to be a little bit dungeon-like and dark. So one of the things that we stressed with the architects is to try to achieve a feeling of openness and like you were outdoors. I think they've done a good job in achieving that," Hill added.
Aside from the roof structure, Globe Life Field will also have ETFE strategically placed throughout the facility, for a natural flow of light inside the concourse. There are strategic openings cut throughout the upper concourse and suite level to allow light to filter down into the main concourse.
A New Experience Around Every Corner
Globe Life Field will provide unique elements for all fans, from veteran season ticket holders, to fans attending their first Rangers game.
Individuality is something Matwick stressed when helping design Globe Life Field, by taking the advice he'd once heard a developer mention.
"He said 'In development you want something interesting around every corner.' Some things will strike people differently, but we need to find something for everyone and I think we have the chance to do that here," Matwick said.
The experience at Globe Life Field was designed to be unmatched, and provide something new every visit.
"Hopefully we can create something interesting around every corner. You know, maybe you didn't see it the first time you were here, but if you come back a couple of weeks later you think, 'where did this come from? I never knew it was there,'" Matwick said.
The 300,000 extra square feet, and 21 percent fewer seats, allows for the architects to have fun with extra space at Globe Life Field.
"The whole experience will give fans reasons to come back, and that's what you want. You want it to be a good experience and you want fans to want to come back," Hill said.
The added space allows for the seating bowl to be more spacious, upgrade the seats to an average two inches wider, as well as create more leg room on the seating risers.
Aside from stadium seating, fans will also have the chance to sit in areas ranging from semicircle, four-top tables to a left field deck, fitted with rocking chairs. Hill described the "quirkiness" of the seating types at Globe Life Field as something different from any other sporting venue.
"I think we are just going to be able to have an experience that we haven't been able to offer (before)," Matwick said. "We want as many people as we can possibly get to experience Globe Life Field to find out what the Rangers are about, and just enjoy the whole experience."
Another unique aspect of Globe Life Field is the concourses. Concessions and restrooms are pushed to the outer rim of the concourses, allowing a 360-degree view of Globe Life Field throughout the ballpark. The full connection allows fans to stay connected to the game, whether they're sitting in their seats, or running to a concession stand.
"The concourses at Globe Life Park give you a glimpse of the field but are not directly on the field. At Globe Life Field, all that space is open, which will give fans a great view of the action taking place on the field," Hill said. "I think that just livens the whole experience, and you feel like you're more of a part of the game because you can see the field."
This article was written by Madison Pelletier and originally published in Texas Rangers Magazine.
Ballpark Project, Texas Rangers
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