A young man with a developmental disability recently had his basketball goal stolen from his from yard in Arlington. The Arlington Police Department was never originally notified of the offense, but it came to our attention at a recent community meeting. Crime Prevention Officers Natalia Kuehling and Kim Fretwell heard about the theft and mentioned it to leaders with the Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership (ACAPP). Orey Green-Jalar would often ask officers if his basketball goal had been located. ACAPP made the decision to forgo their annual holiday party and use the money instead to purchase a new basketball goal for the young man. They also decided to have concrete poured at the base of the goal to make sure it is safe and secure.
Last weekend, ACAPP members Charles Richardson, Pastor Renee Hornbuckle and Elizabeth Savage joined Hai Do along with East Patrol District and Crime Prevention officers for the installation of the goal. Orey was very ecstatic about the new goal.
"When Officer Kuehling informed me of the theft that occurred, I was bothered and really wanted to help Orey. I shared this information with ACAPP, and immediately, they said they wanted to help as well. We made arrangements with Ms. Green, and delivered the basketball goal Saturday morning. He was so surprised and happy. That moment there is what makes me so proud of my job. His face and reaction was priceless. I am so honored to be the coordinator for ACAPP. The work they do in our community and for the police is so valuable," said Crime Prevention Officer Kim Fretwell.
Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership (ACAPP) is a coalition of Clergy from every faith and denomination who partner with our police agency. ACAPP members and their organizations pray for police department employees, build valuable relationships with law enforcement and other governmental officials, and are available to assist in crisis situations in the community. ACAPP also offers support to victims of crime, provides youth mentoring services, and serves in a jail ministry capacity.
Community, Headlines, News, Police, Public Safety