Residents interested in learning more about the proposed improvements to Interstate 30 - from Cooper Street to SH 161 - are invited to attend a public meeting Tuesday, Dec. 2, from 6-8 p.m, at the Hilton Arlington Hotel, 2401 E. Lamar Boulevard.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, this meeting will be an open house format, allowing visitors to come and go at their own availability.
The proposed improvements would widen I-30 by adding general purpose lanes and converting the existing concurrent Managed Toll/HOV lanes to a reversible two-lane Managed Toll/HOV facility from Cooper Street to State Highway 161. The I-30/SH 360 interchange would also be improved. The proposed project would increase safety, connectivity and mobility.
Maps and other drawings depicting the proposed improvements will be displayed at the public meeting. Interested persons will have the opportunity to ask questions and offer comments.
A copy of the interchange schematic is available in the Public Works & Transportation department, which is located on the second floor of City Hall, 101 Abram Street.
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