Enhancing Regional Mobility: A Priority in 2013
By Office of Communication
Posted on January 24, 2013, January 24, 2013

There's renewed momentum in Arlington to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transportation connections within and beyond the city's borders. It's taking shape in a mobility plan designed for those who see Arlington as a world-class entertainment destination, students who know it as a genuine college town and everyone who calls Arlington home.

For all of those reasons, the Arlington City Council has identified the Enhancement of Regional Mobility as one of four priorities for 2013. Residents can expect to see progress in that area, and in other council priorities over the coming months. The City of Arlington will track progress, measure achievements and highlight connections between city spending and work being done in the community through quarterly newsletters on each Council Priority. The first of these newsletters, Enhancing Regional Mobility Quarterly Newsletter is available now.

Council Priorities for 2013 are: Enhance Regional Mobility; Build A Thriving Community; Support Quality Education; and Define An Identifiable Brand. First quarter newsletters on each priority are scheduled in the coming weeks and will be posted at MyArlingtonTx.com.

Read the Q1 FY2013 Enhancing Regional Mobility Quarterly Newsletter.


City Council Priorities, Enhance Regional Mobility
Community, Government, Headlines, News, Transportation