The annual competition that inspires Arlington students to pen essays on topics relating to responsible pet ownership officially kicked off Monday, Dec. 10 and runs through Friday, Jan. 18 at 5 p.m.
The contest is open to all public, private, and home school students in grades 3rd - 6th residing within Arlington city limits. Submitted essays may not be longer than 500 words and will be judged on length and elements of effective writing, such as focus, organization, voice, and idea development.
Each winner will be presented with a Nook Color tablet sponsored by Barnes and Noble and Carrizo Oil and Gas. Each student will open a $100 savings account sponsored by EECU and Carrizo Oil and Gas. The first place winner at each grade level will win a $60 gift card from Barnes and Noble to purchase apps for the Nook Color, while second place winners get a $40 gift card and third place winners receive one for $20.
The third grade topic for this year's contest is "If you were asked to help at a local animal shelter, what do you think you would be asked to do?' The topic for fourth grade is "What changes do cats and dogs have to make to live and survive as homeless pets?' The fifth grade topic is "What advice would you give a family about a new pet so that its offspring will not end up in a local animal shelter?' The topic for sixth grade is "How would an overpopulation of homeless cats and dogs affect our local ecosystem?'
Winners will be recognized during a regular meeting of the Arlington City Council.
Animal Services Manager Chris Huff is expecting this year's contest to be "one of the best ever.'
"As always, this year's essay contest is going to be an exciting time for the third through sixth graders participating in the contest,' Huff said. "It allows the students to enhance their writing skills, develop thoughts and ideas, and gives them a voice when responding to questions for their grade level.'
Huff said the City of Arlington, Carrizo Oil and Gas, EECU Credit Union, Star-Telegram, and District 2 City Council Member Sheri Capehart are sponsors for this year's contest.
View the flyer here.
Animal Services, Headlines, News