Cowboys Stadium is the Big Reward for Good Grades
By Office of Communication
Posted on June 19, 2013, June 19, 2013

When officers signed up to mentor students, they had a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in the classroom and take geographic policing to a new level in the East Police District.

In classrooms at Thornton Elementary, officers worked to build trust with students. As mentors, they formed new bonds with teachers, administrators, counselors and parents.

According to Foot Patrol Officer John Henry, reading scores improved along with conduct. Over a six month period, Officers Chad Roberts and Gary Sims said they saw study habits and attitudes about learning change.

"Every time these officers entered the school, they made a positive difference," said Principal Alicia Rodriguez.

The big reward for good grades and conduct was a trip to Cowboys Stadium on June 12.

Students played football with their officer mentors and toured the stadium with school counselors, celebrating a great school year.

A special thanks to East Foot Patrol Officers for going the extra mile for our youth!


Highlights, News, Police