Young Eagles to Soar During June 8 Flight Rally
By Office of Communication
Posted on June 06, 2013, June 06, 2013

Arlington area youth ages 8-17 will have a chance to take to the skies on Saturday, June 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., as Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 34 hosts a Young Eagles Flight Rally at Arlington Municipal Airport, 5000 South Collins Street.

The rally is part of the EAA Young Eagles Program, created to interest young people in aviation. Since the program was launched in 1992, volunteer EAA pilots have flown more than 1.7 million young people in more than 90 countries.

"Free airplane rides are just part of the flight rally," said Michelle Daniel, Young Eagles coordinator. "We hope to build one-to-one relationships between pilots and young people, giving a new generation a chance to learn more about the possibilities that exist in the world of aviation."

Pilots at the event will also explain more about their airplanes, allowing young people to discover how airplanes work and how pilots ensure safety is the prime concern before every flight. Attendees will also have an opportunity to view Agusta Westland's static display of the Tilt Rotor helicopter.

Following the flight, each young person will receive a certificate making them an official Young Eagle. Their name will then be entered into the "World's Largest Logbook," which is on display at the EAA Air Adventure Museum in Oshkosh, WI. The logbook also can be viewed by visiting For more information, visit

Those wishing to schedule a flight on June 8 are asked to contact Michelle Daniel at 817-718-6995 or Jay Tanner at[email protected], as limited time slots are available.


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