Arlington residents will vote this fall on a proposed $189 million bond program that would provide funding for streets and sidewalks, parks, fire stations and other public facilities.
After months of public input, the Arlington City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved placing the bond program on the Nov. 6, 2018, ballot. In 2014, Arlington voters approved a $236 million, five-year bond program that is nearing completion.
The City Council's decision to present a new bond package to voters was made following a series of meetings, tours, public forums and extensive study by the 19-member Citizens Bond Committee. This committee, tasked with assessing the City's capital needs, provided a recommended list of projects to the City Council in May.
Click here to view the 2018 Bond Program webpage and see a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Bond Program.
Passage of the proposed five-year bond program would fund:
Proposition A
Street Improvements: $137,835,000
- Residential Rebuild Program
- Debbie Lane (Arlington city limits to SH 360)
- Intersection Improvements
- Mansfield Webb Road (Silo Road to Collins Street)
- Sublett Road (Arlington city limit to Joplin Road)
- Matlock Road (Green Oaks Boulevard to Sublett Road)
- Sidewalk Annual Program
- Downtown Pedestrian Crossing
- Mitchell Street (Collins Street to Perrin Street)
- Signal/ITS Program
- Construction Materials Testing Program
- Grant Matching Funds Annual Program
- Irrigation Annual Program
Proposition B
Parks & Recreation: $19,165,000
- Richard Simpson Park - Phase II
- Johnson Creek Trail (Meadowbrook to Julia Burgen Park)
- Youth Athletic Complex Acquisition
- Multi-Generational Center Design
- River Legacy Trail Replacement
- River Legacy Trail Development (Fort Worth connection)
- High Oak Park - Phase II
Proposition C
Public Safety Facilities: $24,500,000
- Fire Station #8 Rebuild
- Fire Station #6 Rebuild
- Police Evidence Storage Facility
Proposition D
Public Facilities: $8,000,000
- Various Public Facility Improvements
The amounts identified for each project are estimated amounts and the City of Arlington may reallocate the amounts among the various projects listed or substitute other projects of a similar nature in accordance with the respective bond proposition.
Bond Program
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