Dunn Elementary Pinches Pennies and Shares Success
By Office of Communication
Posted on November 27, 2013, November 27, 2013


Penny by penny and even birthday money leads to a generous donation by Dunn Elementary second grade students.

A penny war turned into a celebration as Dunn Elementary students presented a check for $415 aimed at helping the homeless animals of the Arlington Animal Services' Center.

It all started when second grade students at Dunn were given an assignment called "Learning about Your Community" and asked to choose a place where they wanted to make a donation. These thoughtful, animal loving students chose the Animal Services Center because of its many homeless animals in need of good homes.

Mrs. Rush, a second grade student teacher at Dunn, said "The kids had a penny war that ran for two weeks. Student Navaeh P. gave $10 which was her birthday money. Mrs. Klett's 2nd grade class raised $180 alone. The kids were very excited that they raised a total of $415!"

Earlier this year, another animal loving Dunn student made the news when Ellie Mize earned the spot as first place winner in the sixth grade division of the annual 2013 Animal Essay Contest.

Arlington Animal Services (and the animals at the shelter) greatly appreciate the goodwill demonstrated by Dunn Elementary School.

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