The City of Arlington was one of 13 Texas employers recently recognized by the National Safety Council for proven commitment to traffic safety.
Arlington received the prestigious 2018 Our Driving Concern Texas Employer Traffic Safety Awards, which was presented by the National Safety Council in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation. Employee education, training and other activities centered on traffic safety were considered.
"The City of Arlington not only strives to provide a core service of public safety, but it is also committed to providing a safe work environment for all 2,500 full-time and 500 part-time employees, many of whom operate vehicles on city streets," Risk Manager Robert Warren said.
Through its efforts, the City has proven a steward of its resources by protecting its employees and finding cost-effective, efficient methods to make driving safer within the city. The City continues to have success with the driver's safety employee portal, developed in 2015 after participating in the Our Driving Concern train the trainer workshop. Additional programs are geared toward changing driver behavior. The annual employee Health and Wellness fair, held in partnership with the Municipal Court and Arlington Police Department, provided impaired driving simulators to raise driver awareness. These efforts helped reduce claim costs by 38 percent from fiscal year 2016 to 2017.
"In Texas, someone is hurt every two minutes, and someone is killed every two hours, in a preventable car crash," said NSC President and CEO Deborah A.P. Hersman. "The data shows the importance of working together to keep everyone safe, and employers have a critical role. We are pleased to see these Texas companies leading the way, and we are proud to recognize them for their efforts."
Award recipients were recognized earlier this month at the Traffic Safety Conference in Sugar Land.
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