City Council Approves Next Phase of Abram St. Rebuild Project
Arlington is moving forward with the next phase of the Abram Street Rebuild Project, which will ultimately make the transportation connections within and beyond the City's borders more efficient.
The next phase of the Abram Street Rebuild Project will consist of the reconstruction of Abram Street between Collins Street and Stadium Drive as a 5-lane undivided concrete roadway from Collins Street to Gay Street. From Gay Street to Stadium Drive, Abram Street will be constructed as a 4-lane divided roadway.
Residents can expect to see underground drainage, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer improvements, streetlights, and a new bridge over Johnson Creek that will significantly reduce the flooding of Abram Street.
The Arlington City Council approved the construction contract with Tiseo Paving Company, of Mesquite, Texas in the amount of approximately $16 million at the evening session on November 17, 2015.
Construction on this phase is set to begin in January 2016 and will be completed in summer 2017.
The Abram Street Rebuild Project is part of the 2008 Bond Election. Abram Street improvements also include $8.2 million in road and water improvements along with sidewalks, streetlights and landscaping from Stadium Drive to State Highway 360 and $8.6 million in improvements from State Highway 360 to Great Southwest Parkway.
You can track the progress of this project and many others happening throughout Arlington by visiting the city's Street Tracker webpage.
This project is connected to the Arlington City Council's priority of improving regional mobility. Overall, the City will have $91 million in capital street construction in progress by early 2016.
Enhance Regional Mobility, Street Construction Projects
Headlines, News, Public Works, Transportation