Public Comment

Members of the public may address the Landmark Preservation Commission regarding items on the posted agenda for which the Commission will make a decision or take action before or during consideration of the item. In most instances, members of the public are allowed three minutes to speak on a posted agenda item, as provided below. 

Additionally, during the Citizen Participation portion of an open meeting, members of the public are allowed two minutes or one minute to speak, depending on the number of speakers who have pre-registered.

Citizen Participation

This portion of the meeting agenda allows public comment on matters related to City business or affairs that are in the scope of the authority of the Landmark Preservation Commission and that are not listed on the posted agenda. During the Citizen Participation portion of an open meeting, the Commission is not permitted by law to respond to, discuss, or address the comment but may ask clarifying questions or direct staff to take appropriate action.

Persons who intend to speak during the Citizen Participation portion of an open meeting shall pre-register not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Persons may pre-register online using the form below, by calling 817-459-6566, or by completing a registration card at the City Secretary’s Office.

Pre-Register Online Below (no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting)