City Completes Voter-Approved Shenandoah Drive Rebuild Project
By Amberley Shelby, Public Works
Posted on September 24, 2024, September 24, 2024

Photo shows an aerial view of the newly rebuilt Shenandoah Drive, which was rebuilt from East from Timberview Lane to Concord Drive and Custer Street from South Collins Street to Shenandoah Drive.

The Public Works Department is pleased to announce that work to rebuild Shenandoah Drive from East Timberview Lane to Concord Drive and Custer Street from South Collins Street to Shenandoah Drive is complete.

Click here to view a map of the project location.

Construction for this project began in August 2023 and was completed in September 2024.

The purpose of this effort was to rebuild Shenandoah Drive from East Timberview Lane to Concord Drive and Custer Street from South Collins Street to Shenandoah Drive.

The funding for this project was provided by the 2018 Street Bond funds and Water and Sanitary Sewer Renewal funds. This project aligns with the City Council’s priorities to Enhance Regional Mobility and Champion Great Neighborhoods and included the following improvements.

  • Rebuilding the asphalt roadway to concrete roadway with sidewalk improvements
  • Installing new streetlights
  • Rebuilding driveways to right of way
  • Sanitary sewer and water renewals

You can learn more about projects approved by Arlington voters in the 2014, 2018, and 2023 Bond Elections under Bond Tracker and projects currently under construction by visiting the Street Tracker web page.

Photo shows an aerial view of the newly rebuilt Shenandoah Drive, which was rebuilt from East from Timberview Lane to Concord Drive and Custer Street from South Collins Street to Shenandoah Drive.

Enhance Regional Mobility, Bond Program, Street Tracker Projects
News, Streets, Public Works, Headlines