Reduce Your Chance of Getting Mosquito-Borne Illnesses - Remember the 3 D’s:

Avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes! No amount of mosquito control can completely prevent diseases associated with mosquitoes. Taking simple precautions makes a big difference in the likelihood of getting West Nile Virus or other mosquito-transmitted diseases.

  • Dress in long sleeves and pants when you’re outside. For extra protection, you may want to spray thin clothing with repellent.
  • DEET is an ingredient to look for in your insect repellent. Follow label instructions, and always wear repellent when outdoors. Visit the EPA website for more information about active ingredients in repellents.
  • Drain standing water in your yard and neighborhood where mosquitoes can breed. This includes old tires, flowerpots, clogged rain gutters, etc. Mosquitoes may develop in any water stagnant for more than three or four days. For shallow standing water that cannot be eliminated, check regularly for the presence of mosquito larvae and if seen, apply a biological larvicide often referred to as ”mosquito dunks,” which are available at local hardware stores.

Prevention is the best defense against mosquito-borne illnesses. Arlington residents are encouraged to identify, reduce and treat mosquito breeding sites around their property.

Types of Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

Frequently Asked Questions