Proclamation & Panel Discussion Highlight 2022 Mental Health Awareness Campaign in Arlington
By Positive Actions International
Posted on May 02, 2022, May 02, 2022

Whether you realize it or not, mental health plays a big role in your overall well-being. When you are mentally healthy, you are able to enjoy your life and the people in it, feel good about yourself, keep up good relationships, and deal with stress. It’s normal for your mental health to shift over time and after the last two years of pandemic living, for many people stress, isolation, and uncertainty have taken a toll on their well-being. 

Mayor Jim Ross is issuing a mental health proclamation, declaring May 15, 2022 “Mental Health Day” for the City of Arlington. This year, the theme for Mental Health Awareness Month for the City of Arlington is “Together for Mental Health.”  Councilwoman Nikkie Hunter bringing together community leader and organizations such as Positive Actions International to increase awareness about the importance of mental health through a panel discussion to take place on May 12, 2022 at 5:pm at Bob Duncan Center. The goal of this event is to highlight what individuals can do to prioritize their mental health, and the positive actions they can take to maintain and protect their overall well-being.

Positive Actions International, the leading agency for the mental health campaign in Arlington, is committed to bring awareness and understanding of mental health issues in our community.  “Our society focuses much more on physical health than mental health, but both are equally important. The Mental Health Day Proclamation reminds us that mental health challenges are real, but recovery and restoration are possible, says Esther Scott, licensed professional mental health provider and director for Positive Actions International.

While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental condition during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health. Some challenges we face daily can include work stress, paying bills, cleaning, and taking care of children or elderly parents.  It is easy to be overwhelmed. “The good news is there are practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency. Tools that will be presented and discussed during this year’s “Together for Mental Health” event. The community will also have access to information and resources that can help build skills people can use when faced with symptoms of a mental health conditions. Former Mayor Jeff Williams will be among the panelist for this important event, along with leaders from the African-American community, the Hispanic community and Asian and Middle Easter communities.

We know that for each individual, the tools they use to keep mentally healthy will be unique. But one of the easiest tools anyone can use is to take a depression and anxiety mental health screening offered through Positive Actions International during the “Together for Mental Health” event. It is a quick, free, and private way for people to assess their mental health and recognize signs of anxiety and depression.

Don’t miss this event. For more information and additional resources, visit or send an email to [email protected]

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