Recommendations from Arlington Police for fans Attending Mexico vs Australia Soccer Game

Arlington Police Department has several recommendations for fans attending Mexico vs Australia soccer game on Saturday Sept. 9th at AT&T Stadium:
Our Special Events parking restrictions will be in effect Saturday for Mexico vs Australia soccer game. That means any vehicles parked in a designated no parking zone, which is primarily going to be the neighborhood streets around AT&T Stadium, will be towed. All the no parking zones will be marked with signs. Fans can view a map of the no parking zones by clicking this link.
There are plenty of pay lots around the Entertainment District where fans can park.
For fans using rideshare services like Uber, Lyft, or Arlington On Demand, the designated drop-off and pickup location for AT&T Stadium is Lot 15, which is just west of the stadium along Randol Mill Road.
To help with traffic and for everyone’s safety, we kindly ask rideshare customers to use that location for drop-off and pickup. We don’t want cars stopping in the middle of the road and holding up traffic behind them. And we certainly don’t want pedestrians unsafely trying to run across multiple lanes of traffic to get in / out of a car.
It’s also important to remember that demand for rideshare vehicles will be EXTREMELY high after the event – and fans using rideshare to get home should expect to wait for a car. We ask those folks to be patient and to please use the designated pickup location at Lot 15. We put additional traffic control measures in place after an event (road closures, one-way streets, etc.) to help move traffic safely out of Arlington – and if you attempt to call for an Uber / Lyft from a different location, chances are your driver won’t be able to reach you. We will have additional officers posted at Lot 15 to ensure everyone waiting for a rideshare feels / remains safe.
Entering the Stadium
When you’re walking between the parking lots and Stadium, please use designated crossings / crosswalks. You will see police officers at all the major intersections and crosswalks – and they will help you get safely across the road. There will be a lot of traffic in the area – and we don’t want anyone getting hit by trying to run across the street.
We encourage fans to review AT&T Stadium’s bag policy, they know what items that can and cannot bring into the stadium. That way, they don’t have to make a trip back to their vehicle after they’ve stood in a long line to get through the security checkpoint.
We STRONGLY encourage fans to look at their tickets before they go through the security checkpoint to see which entrance, they should use to get to their seats (it will be marked on their ticket). As a reminder, there are additional security checkpoints inside the Stadium on both sides of the main level that only guests with Club Seats will be able to pass through. If you enter the Stadium on the wrong side, you will have to go all the way to the top level to get around (and that’s a long walk!)
Other Items
Scalping is not permitted in the Entertainment District. Please do not buy tickets from anyone who approaches you as you enter the Stadium. As a reminder, all AT&T Stadium tickets are now digital – so if someone tries to sell you paper tickets, there’s a good chance they’re fake.
You should NEVER accept a ride from a driver who tries to solicit you. You should only get into a marked taxi or a vehicle that you have confirmed is being driven by a legitimate rideshare driver.
Don’t drink and drive. We will have officers out looking for DWI drivers.
Have fun and be safe. Unruly fans or fans who get into fights may be removed from the Stadium.
Entertainment District, AT&T Stadium
News, Entertainment, Police