Family of Exemplary Volunteer Bill McCart Shares Fond Memories of His 22 Year Commitment to the Community
From left to right: Bill McCart’s grandson Colin Mize, daughter June Nichols, granddaughter Shannon Boyd, daughter Vicki Mize, and son-in-law David Mize |
Family members of the late Bill McCart gathered together at Arlington Animal Services (AAS) to see the new plaque honoring their loved one for his 22 years of dedicated service to the City of Arlington, its residents, and the homeless animals of our community.
Vicki Mize, one of McCart’s daughters, spoke of her father’s dedication to volunteering at the animal shelter and his intense desire for people to be responsible pet owners.
Shelter staff reminisced about McCart - affectionately referring to him as “Mr. Bill” as having a quick, dry sense of humor never failing to make people laugh. Former shelter supervisor, Art Tawater shared fond memories of this super extraordinaire volunteer and friend stating that “everyone looked forward to having him at the shelter and he is greatly missed.” Former Administrative Coordinator for Kennels Lynn Trotter shared that Mr. Bill “had a great sense of humor, was helpful with people that came to the shelter, and encouraged them to adopt.” Trotter said everyone always looked forward to Mr. Bill coming in to volunteer.
The family was led on a tour of AAS and it was evident that the family members share their passed loved one’s appreciation of animals.
If interested in volunteering please contact Volunteer Administrator Brittany Clark at [email protected] or give Brittany a call at 817-459-6183 for more information.