Back 2 School Safety is Priority
By Office of Communication
Posted on August 23, 2013, August 23, 2013

It's back to school time for many Arlington and Mansfield area schools. On neighborhood streets, the Arlington Police Department is making pedestrian safety a top priority.

School zone lights are scheduled to activate across the city Monday morning, including around a new elementary school opening in the East Police District, according to Lt. Cable Johnson.

Arlington ISD is expecting close to 800 students to enter the doors of Adams Elementary located at 2220 Sherry Street near East Arkansas Lane and Remynse Drive.

"We are asking motorists to be patient and alert," Lt. Johnson said. Residents should expect to see extra patrol officers in school zones, he said.

Motorists are reminded to slow down around schools. Stop for school buses loading and unloading.

Pedestrians are also reminded to take the time to cross safely at crosswalks. Always use sidewalks and crosswalks at intersections and when crossing multiple lanes of traffic. Never run or dash quickly into the street, officers say.

According to the Public Works and Transportation Department, Arlington has more than 85 school crossing guards trained and ready to assist students on their first day back to class.

Lt. Carol Riddle, APD's Youth Services Commander, said safety in the classroom is important, too.

APD School Resources will have a visible presence on Arlington's junior high and high school campuses. In classrooms this fall, they will present a range of public safety topics, teaching students about traffic and internet safety and drug and alcohol awareness.

When lights in school zones are activated, remember:

1. Slow down. All vehicles should travel at or below 20 mph.

2. It is against the law to use a cell phone in a school zone.

3. Focus on the road. Avoid distractions inside your vehicle.

4. On the roadway, it is illegal to pass a school bus when it is picking up or dropping off students


Headlines, News, Police, Public Safety