Seeing a lot of road work activity on your commute around Arlington? That’s because we’re hard at work to make your streets smoother and longer lasting. Nearly $20 million in street maintenance projects are underway right now across the city, including work to Randol Mill Road between Cooper Street and Oakwood Lane.
Here’s what happening. The City’s Public Works crews kicked off an $11 million Mill & Overlay program last October that will improve at least 29 streets—totaling approximately 25 lane miles—when it wraps up this fall. The City is also investing $5.3 million to replace sections of damaged roadway on four highly traveled thoroughfares as part of the Concrete Panel Replacement Program. Arlington will repair seven other roadways as part of the $3.4 million Reclamation and Miscellaneous Concrete Program. All of these roadway improvements are funded by the voter-approved, quarter-cent Street Maintenance Sales Tax.
How is a Street Selected for Maintenance?
Arlington collects data on roadway conditions in a variety of ways, including an annual pavement survey, to help prioritize street repairs. This Overall Condition Index (OCI) uses a color code system—red, yellow, and green—to indicate pavement conditions on a 0 to 100 scale. Street segments with an OCI score less than 50 are considered “red” and in need of a complete rebuild. Segments with a rating of 50 to 69.99 are considered “yellow” and are considered for inclusion in the Street Maintenance Program. Segments rated 70 or higher are considered “green” and do not require maintenance. Click here to learn more about the Street Maintenance Schedule.
Mill & Overlay Program
In this program, an asphalt roadway surface is milled down two inches and then repaved with new asphalt surface. This method is for streets in mid-average OCI rating, and the road base is in good condition. These are considered “yellow” streets. Work began on this list of selected streets in October 2024 and is expected to be complete by this October.
- West Lamar Boulevard (Cooper Street to North Davis Drive)
- Randol Mill Road (Fielder Road to the end of asphalt west of Oakwood Lane)
- Mesquite Street (Sanford Street to West Front Street)
- Ballycastle Drive (Cold Springs Drive to Cavalry Post Drive)
- Belmont Park Drive (Cold Springs Drive to Cavalry Post Drive)
- Cavalry Post Drive (Cold Springs Drive to SW Green Oaks Drive)
- Churchill Downs Drive (Cold Springs Drive to Cavalry Post Drive)
- Citation Drive (Cold Springs Drive to Cavalry Post Drive)
- Cold Springs Drive (Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard to Cavalry Post Drive)
- Derby Hill Drive (Cold Springs Drive to Nathan Lowe Road)
- Colombia Drive (Bowman Springs Road to West Dead End)
- Anchorage Drive (Columbia Drive to Lake Park Court)
- Cheshire Drive (Lake Park Drive to Enchanted Bay Boulevard)
- Corsair Court (Michelle Drive to Cul-de-sac)
- Corvette Court (Michelle Drive to Cul-de-sac)
- Dodd Court (Michelle Drive to Cul-de-sac)
- Lake Park Court (Lake Park Drive to West Dead End)
- Lake Park Drive (Lake Park Court to Cheshire Drive)
- McMillian Court (Anchorage Drive to Cul-de-sac)
- Michelle Drive (Lake Park Court to Cheshire Drive)
- Patsy Court (Anchorage Drive to Cul-de-sac)
- Canberra Lane (Kesler Drive to Flintshire Court)
- Ashworth Court (Arborgate Drive to Cul-de-sac)
- Flintshire Court (U.S. 287 to Cul-de-sac)
- Arborgate Drive (Little Road to Canberra Lane)
- Kesler Drive (Arborgate Drive to Canberra Lane)
- Arkansas Lane (Engleford Drive to Medlin Drive) * Completed
- Fielder Road (Mayfield Road to California Lane)
- Pecan Street (Mitchell Street to Park Row Drive)
Concrete Panel Replacement Program
The maintenance repair process for concrete roadways often requires excavation of multiple sections of individual concrete panels that are damaged or in poor condition. Each individual section or square is referred to as concrete panel. The damaged panels are excavated/removed and new base material is filled and compacted prior to new concrete being poured into place. These streets are OCI rated as “yellow” or “red.” Work began on this list of selected streets in June 2024 and is now complete:
- Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard (Bowen Road to Caliente Drive)
- East Arkansas Lane (South Collins Street to Browning Drive)
- Mayfield Road (Matlock Road to South Collins Street
- East Sublett Road (New York Avenue to State Highway 360
Reclamation and Miscellaneous Concrete Program
In this program, the entire existing asphalt pavement structure is pulverized to a depth of 10 to 12 inches. The road base material under the pavement is mixed with lime/cement stabilization to ensure the new road base has the proper density to support the new asphalt surface. Asphalt is then repaved at a depth of 6 to 8 inches. This method is used for streets that have a poor OCI rating, or are considered “red” streets. Work began on this list of selected streets in September 2024:
- Curt Drive (Kelly Perkins Road to Indian Summer Lane)
- Indian Summer Lane (Curt Drive to West Mayfield Road)
- Kelly Perkins Road (Pleasant Ridge Road to Curt Drive)
- Trisha Val Court (Indian Summer Lane to West Dead End)
- Pleasantview Drive (Old Pleasant Ridge Road to Timber Trail Drive)
- Old Pleasant Ridge Road (Pleasant Ridge Road to Park Springs Boulevard)
- Woodland Park Boulevard (Lakewood to Park Springs Boulevard) *joint reclamation and water and sanitary sewer improvement project.
Make a Street Maintenance Request
See a street in your neighborhood that needs repairs? Contact the Public Works front desk at 817-459-6550 or Submit a Street Maintenance Request through the Public Work webpage or Ask Arlington app.

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