The University of Texas at Arlington and Tarrant County College are both reporting increases in student enrollment this fall.
In just-released fall 2024 preliminary enrollment statistics, UTA’s total enrollment is 41,613, representing an increase from fall 2023. UTA’s undergraduate growth continued with a 3% increase to 29,271.
Tarrant County College reports that fall enrollment across its six campuses, which includes the Southeast campus in Arlington, exceeds a post-pandemic high at 47,351 students. That's a 5.24% increase over fall 2023. The figure includes approximately 12,500 dual-enrolled (dual credit and Early College High School) students.
Finding Success at UTA
UTA reports that five of its colleges experienced enrollment jumps, including more than 5.5% each for both the College of Nursing and Health Innovation and the College of Science.
“UTA is so proud to offer a top-tier education taught by expert dedicated faculty right in the middle of one of the fastest growing parts of the country,” said President Jennifer Cowley. “With rich research opportunities, signaled by our R-1 Carnegie Classification status, and welcoming student body, it is no wonder that UTA attracts new Mavericks from all over Texas and around the world—with students coming from 98 different countries.”
Additional affirmations that students choose UTA as the place to reach their higher education goals include a 3.8% increase in returning undergraduate students as well as an impressive 6.1% increase in undergraduate students transferring to UTA.
UTA takes pride in its dedication to providing access to a world-class education for students. Through the dedicated efforts of UTA staff, the University works closely with students and their families to identify the funding resources for which students are eligible.
Demonstrations of that commitment include $400 million in financial support received by UTA students, with tuition and fees fully covered for 49% of all undergraduate students and for 44% of all new freshmen.
Additionally, this year 47.5% of all enrolled undergraduates are Pell Grant recipients, an increase of 27.7%, with more than 49% of the new entering undergraduate class receiving the grant.
Consistently ranked among the top 4% of all research universities, with dozens of academic programs ranked in the top 100 nationally, UTA recently has been recognized by the Wall Street Journal and Washington Monthly as a top national university and the best in the DFW region— citing how well UTA improves both students’ chance for graduating and their future earnings. UTA graduates have the highest first-year median wage of any non-medical UT System institution, according to a 2023 UT System survey on earnings for baccalaureate graduates working in Texas. UTA also ranks No. 56 nationally for least amount of debt among graduates, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2023 rankings.
Finding Success at TCC
Tarrant County College expects enrollment to grow during the semester because TCC has multiple start dates, depending on the program.
“For 60 years, we have been the community college of choice for people living in Tarrant County,” noted Chancellor Elva LeBlanc. “TCC prepares students of all ages and backgrounds to continue their education at our state’s four-year institutions or to enter the Texas workforce in high-demand, high-wage careers.”
Tarrant County College is one of the nation’s largest higher education institutions and boasts the second lowest tuition of Texas’ Top 10 community colleges. A comprehensive two-year college with six campuses in Tarrant County and online classes, TCC offers a range of opportunities for learners of all ages and backgrounds, including Associate of Arts and Associate of Applied Science degrees; workforce and economic development programs; technical and skilled trades programs; and customized training for area businesses and corporations.
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