City of Arlington to Host Public Education Forum as it Considers Adopting a Form-Based Code to Shape Future Redevelopment in a Pilot Project Area

Residents are invited to attend a public education forum this month to learn about Form-Based Code, which the City of Arlington is considering adopting as a new tool to help shape future redevelopment in a small, targeted area.
How Can I Participate?
City of Arlington staff and the consultant, Livable Plans and Codes, will host the public education forum from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024, in the City Council Chamber, 101 W. Abram St. The forum will include a presentation, guest speakers from Fort Worth and Roanoke, and a question-and-answer session. Presentations will focus on Magnolia Avenue development in Fort Worth’s Near Southside district area and the City Hall area in Downtown Roanoke.
What is Form-Based Code?
Form-Based Code is a method of regulating development that prioritizes the design and form of buildings in relation to public spaces such as streets, sidewalks, parks, and trails. This Code would emphasize how a new proposed building might complement and reinforce other nearby public and private properties to create a cohesive, inviting environment for visitors and business owners. Some examples include orienting parking lots behind a building, allowing a building to be placed closer to the road with features such as canopies and patio seating, increased landscaping, green spaces that connect to city trails, or other amenities designed make the property more inviting to visitors.
What Comes Next?
In December, the Arlington City Council will begin discussions on the four shortlisted areas to select one pilot for the adoption of Form-Based Code regulations which will encourage development/redevelopment with a more friendly, pedestrian-oriented streetscape developments. The areas being considered are:
- East Abram Street: Collins Street to SH 360
- East Division Street from Cooper Street to Collins Street
- South Cooper Street, Matlock Road and West Pioneer Parkway intersection
- Area within the boundaries of Mesquite Street, Abram Street, Division Street and Johnson Creek
Once the pilot area is selected, there will be extensive stakeholder engagement and input opportunities before drafting the code.
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