MIG, Inc. Hired as Comprehensive Plan Update Consultant

The City of Arlington has hired consulting firm MIG, Inc., to lead the two-year effort of updating Arlington’s Comprehensive Plan. This important project will set the stage for Arlington’s growth and development, shaping the city’s direction for years to come.
MIG, Inc. brings a wealth of expertise in community-focused planning, including being nationally recognized as the 2023 Daniel Burnham Comprehensive Plan of the Year. The consultants and city staff will work closely with residents, community members, Council, and the 19-member Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee to create a strategic and actionable blueprint for Arlington. The updated Comprehensive Plan will address essential areas like land use, policy recommendations for the Unified Development Code, and integration of Arlington’s existing long-range plans, ensuring that the city remains vibrant, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of residents and businesses.
Community input will be at the heart of this project. MIG, Inc. and city staff will conduct community workshops, gather feedback, and assess Arlington’s infrastructure, demographics, and development patterns to propose forward-thinking recommendations. The combined work will culminate in a Comprehensive Plan that prioritizes prosperity, transportation, sustainability, and public services—all aligned with the aspirations of Arlington residents.
For more information on the Comprehensive Plan process and to stay updated, visit ArlingtonListens.com or ArlingtonTX.gov/CompPlan.
Comprehensive Plan, City Council District 1, City Council District 2, City Council District 3, City Council District 4, City Council District 5
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