Sierra Salsa
Sierra Salsa was the 2016 First Place Winner of the MLK “Advancing the Dream” Essay
Competition. She is currently attending Austin College in Sherman Texas and majoring in biochemistry. With her $1,000 scholarship from the Arlington MLK Celebration, she is enrolled in chemistry, biology and spanish classes. Sierra says, “The Arlington MLK Celebration Committee helped me to attend a very honorable school that will prepare me to succeed in medical school which is my next goal after graduation. My career goal is to become a doctor and specialize in gynecology.
Thank you, Arlington, for allowing me to not only participate, but also be a part of honoring Dr. Martin Luther King's wonderful memory.”

Huyen Tran No
Huyen Tran No was the 2011 First Place Winner of the “Sharing the Dream Essay Competition.
She is currently pursuing undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University in College Station. The 18-year-old is using her $1,000 scholarship from the Arlington MLK Celebration Committee to study Business Management and Philosophy.
On the campus, she is involved in International Student Studies and participates in the activities sponsored by St. Mary's Catholic Parish. She plans to join community service groups like Phi Beta Lambda and the Freshmen Leadership Organization. Upon graduation from Texas A&M University, Ms. No wants to become a philanthropist and someday create her own non-profit organization dedicated to the service of others.

Kelsey Lemons
Kelsey Lemons won the First Place “Sharing the Dream” Essay Contest in 2010. She used her $1,000 scholarship to pursue undergraduate studies at UT Arlington where she is majoring in Business Marketing.
Kelsey is active in many student organizations, including the Student Congress and Circle K. She is a Mavs ACT Leader, member of the Honors College, and was recently selected for the Goolsby Leadership Academy. Kelsey enjoys photography and making a difference in her community through volunteerism.

Donnie Simmons
Donnie Simmons is a 2006 honor graduate of Arlington High School. Today, he is enrolled as a sophomore at St. John's University in Queens, New York where he's studying Business Management. St. John's is one of America's leading Catholic universities.
Last year, Donnie was inducted into the Freshman Honor Society. Donnie Simmons is the son of Don Simmons and Alisa Simmons of Arlington.
Brianna LeGrand won the ”Sharing the Dream Essay” Contest in 2000. Her $1,000 scholarship helped to pave the way for academic studies at the University of Southern California and University of Texas at Austin. At USC, she was a Trustee Scholar. Ebony Magazine profiled her as one of the 10 top African American college freshmen in the country. LeGrand earned a bachelor's degree in honors business and marketing in May 2004. Today, she is employed as a pharmaceutical sales representative with Pfizer in Houston.
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