Pets of the Week - Meet Binny & Scotty
By Animal Services
Posted on November 13, 2023, November 13, 2023

Pets of the week

Dog of the Week – Meet Binny

This thirteen months old male Retriever mix is black and white in color. It's "binny" a little over a month that this highlighted dog arrived at the shelter as a stray. Spending time in  a shelter is not what this retriever signed up for (so to speak). He is eager to be out and about running circles around a new pet guardian and perhaps some kids to play with. Our volunteers and staff members have caught him on several occasions looking wistfully at the dog park when he's been in the play yard. We can only guess that he is yearning to be out there playing with the other dogs accompanied by their pet parents. It's that time of year to be thankful for all our blessings and what a blessing it would for Binny to be adopted. Due to the length of time he's been in the shelter, he has achieved VIP status that results in a reduced adoption fee. Meet Binny at Dog Adoption (DA) 1, his ID number is A54566192.

Second Dog of the Week – Meet Scotty

This nearly one year old male Rottweiler mix is black and brown in color and weighs 51 pounds. Not to be outdone by our other featured dog, Scotty has the dubious distinction of having been in the shelter for over 45 days! He's been patiently waiting for someone to "beam him up" into their family unit. Scotty would love the opportunity to explore a whole new frontier with a loving family. While he seems somewhat shy, he won't turn down a good hug. Due to his young age he would probably benefit from some structured training to hone his obedience skills. Scotty could be saying under his breath, "if you give me enough time and power I can do anything!" including getting someone to adopt me!  VIP status has been bestowed upon Scotty due to his length of time in the shelter. Meet Scotty at Dog Adoption (DA) 19, his ID number is A54471251.

Adoption fees include all core vaccinations, alteration and microchip.

Pets of the Week
News, Animal Services